January 20, 2011

Blueberry Pie

This Blueberry Pie recipe uses canned blueberry pie filling.  It is for those who are in a rush for time.  The art of making this pie above is the decorative pie crust top. I'll tell you how I did it.  Here's the recipe.

Serving Size: 6-8 people

2 frozen Kosher pie crusts (I use Mrs Smith's with an OU)
1 21-oz can of Kosher Blueberry Fruit Filling (I use Lucky Leaf brand)
1 egg for coating the top pie crust

  1. Heat up your oven for 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Place one frozen pie crust in the top rack of the oven for about 10 minutes.  This is to brown the bottom pie crust so that your pie doesn't taste soggy at the bottom.
  3. Remove the slightly browned pie crust from the oven and place it on your counter. This will be your bottom pie crust.
  4. Empty the pie filling from the can into the bottom pie crust, and spread the filling evenly.
  5. For the top pie crust, first cut out a big circle along the edge with a sharp knife. 
  6. Slightly loosen the wavy edge from the pan without breaking it.
  7. Turn the crust over onto the bottom pie crust with the filling. 
  8. Slightly and carefully transfer the loosened edge onto the top of the bottom crust.
  9. If you've done it right, all that's left of the top pie crust is the big circle.
  10. Now, using a heart-shaped mold, cut out about 18 hearts of your top pie crust.
  11. Carefully remove each one and arrange them onto your pie. (See picture.)
  12. Prepare the egg wash.  Break the egg into a  clear bowl and check the egg for any blood stain.
  13. If there isn't any blood stain, the egg is fine to use.  Slightly beat the egg, then apply a coating onto the top crust of your pie.
  14. Bake the pie in the oven for about 40 minutes until golden brown. Serve warm or cold.
Beta Avon. (Hebrew for Bon appetite!)

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