January 7, 2011

Fried Chinese Wontons

Fried Chinese wontons are a delicious treat for those who have the patience to fold each wonton into the traditional wonton shape.  The dish is easy to make.  For those who wish to improvise, they can fold the wontons into any shape they like.  My kids and my father-in-law, a"h, used to fold them into an envelope shape.  Here is the recipe.

Serving Size: 4-8 (depending upon the eaters)

1 package of Kosher Nasoya Wonton Wraps
1 lb. ground Kosher beef/turkey
Kosher Oil enough for deep frying
A small cup of water for wonton "glue"
Kosher sweet and sour sauce
  • Kosher Cumin Powder, 1 tsp
  • Kosher Garlic Powder/Minced Garlic, 1 tsp
  • Kosher Onion Powder/Minced Onion/Small bulb of shallot, 1 tsp
  • Kosher Salt, (optional) to taste
  • Egg
  1. Break an egg, and check for blood.  If there's no blood in the egg, then it's kosher and fine to use.
  2. Mix the ground meat with the seasoning and egg.
  3. Follow the directions of wrapping wonton in the Nasoya package.
  4. Take a wonton wrapper out of the package. Lay it flat on a dry surface in a diamond shape.
  5. Dish out 1 tsp of meat into the center of the wrapper. 
  6. Moisten the edges of the top sides with a little bit of water.
  7. Fold the wrapper in half into a triangle shape.
  8. Press and seal.
  9. Pull the bottom corners of the triangle down and fold them towards the middle.
  10. If you need additional help, here are additional ways of folding the wonton.
  11. After all the wontons have been folded, heat up your frying pan with oil enough for deep frying. I use a small to medium flame.
  12. Prepare a big bowl or container with three to four sheets of paper towels to drain the cooked wontons.
  13. In about 5 minutes, place each wonton slowly into the pan, to fill up the pan.
  14. When one side is golden brown, turn it over to cook its other side.
  15. When the other side is golden brown, remove it from the pan with a straining spatula,  into the lined bowl/container to drain the wontons of any oil residue.
  16. Serve hot with sweet and sour sauce.
Bon Appetite!

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