January 8, 2011

Chinese Egg Rolls

This is another quick and easy dish to make if you get the right ingredients. My kids love 'em, because they help to make them. Here is the recipe.

Serving size: 4-6 people

1 package of Kosher Nasoya Egg Roll Wrappers
1 package of Kosher Fresh Express Cole Slaw Mix/3-color Deli Cole Slaw (The current hechsher is Star-K)
1 package of 8-oz Bean Sprouts (optional)
Kosher Oil enough for deep frying
1 small cup of water for "glue"
1 container lined up with 3-4 paper towels
Dipping sauce

  1. Wash and drain the bean sprouts thoroughly, if you use them in the recipe.
  2. Take out an Egg Roll wrapper. Place it flat on a dry surface in diamond shape.
  3. Place about 2-3 tablespoons of cole slaw mix and 1 tablespoon of bean sprouts into the center of the wrapper.
  4. Fold the wrapper from the bottom about 1/3 of the way up in the shape of a triangle, so that it covers over the filling.
  5. Fold the right and left sides of the wrapper towards the middle so that your wrapper looks like an open envelope.
  6. Roll the wrapper upwards tightly. Put a little bit of water on the top point of the wrapper and seal it onto the wrapper.
  7. Repeat steps 2-7 until all the rolls are filled or the cole slaw used up, whichever is first.
  8. For additional help on wrapping an egg roll, click on this link.
  9. Fill your frying pan with oil enough to deep fry.  
  10. Heat up your pan for about 5 minutes. I use a middle flame.
  11. Place a few egg rolls into the pan slowly.
  12. When one side is golden brown, turn it over with your spatula.
  13. When the other side is golden brown, remove it with your draining spatula into your paper towel-lined container.
  14. Repeat steps 11-13 until there is no more egg roll to fry.
  15. Serve hot with your favorite dipping sauce.
 Bon Appetite!

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